Using entertainment to educate the masses.

News today is a bit like a cough drop: The medicine (serious news content) has to be concealed within a sugary package (entertainment) in order for it to be consumed.
I’m not the greatest fan of Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert’s new (for 2 yrs now since they got mass) theatrical style, but if a little silly entertainment helps the uninformed get informed then I can deal with it.
Only the upcoming US presidential elections and how well the misinformation is dispelled will show if it was worth it.

How much can one man really do

This one man broke a colonial empire, now Obama has his own empire of the rich to topple.

Edison gave us the affordable lightbulb! He made the night a less dangerous place and a more productive one.

Gandhi showed that resilience and morals are stronger than violence and fear.

One man can change the world, but only if he is allowed to make that change.

The fact is a brilliant man is President of the World (for all means and purposes) and if we allow him to do his work he could bring us all out of the darkness.

But sadly Obama is answerable to Americans (who as my previous posts have stated.. have fallen greatly in the world’s eyes). This is why Europeans, Asians are vocal about their support for Obama and his policies.

Not because we want the US to mirror Europe or be answerable to Asia. We respect and enjoy diversity, what seems bizarre is that the opposition in american does not. A country founded on and built by immigrants and whose secret to success has beenĀ  immigrants. An Immigrant Einstein helped the US win WWII.

The world is watching and waiting to see if the opposition will have its way and stop Obama from making changes or will sanity prevail (the teapartyers gave everyone a big scare) and Let the man do his job.